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Free Unit Conversion Widgets for your Website
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Please follow the simple instructions below to put a unit converter on your website. You can freely modify the generated HTML code in any way you want. Just make sure the converter is still working. All your modifications to the generated code are acceptable as long as the converter continues operating. The only thing we ask you is to kindly put a link back to our site somewhere noticeable on the pages with our converters. If you still need help, please read our frequently asked questions or contact us.
Select conversion category - This will be the content of your website page. For example, select "Power" for your site's http://www.yoursite.com/unitconverter/Power.html page.
Select visible units - Optionally change visible units set and their order.
Visible (76):
Sort visible units by: name, popularity

Sort disabled units by: name, popularity
Customize the appearence - Optionally change converter's width, height, font family, or font size.
Width: Height: Font: Font size:
Create converter - Create converter by selecting between three different styles.
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